You’re having back pain. There are numerous reasons why back pain occurs. If you’ve been told you have a compression fractureApollo Pain Management in Sun City Center, Florida, is the practice you want to consult for treatment.

Compression fractures explained

You know that a fracture is a break in a bone. A compression fracture means you’ve broken a bone in your spine. Your spine is composed of bones called vertebrae that are stacked on top of each other. They support your body and allow you to bend and twist. Between each vertebra you have a spinal disc. These discs are made of a gel-type substance that acts as a cushion between each bone.

When a vertebra fractures, it can partially collapse, leaving less space between each vertebra. Your vertebrae may start to put pressure on your spinal cord and the nerves extending from it. This is the source of your pain.

You’re also likely to lose height from a compression fracture. The fractured vertebrae aren’t the same height as they were previously.

Signs of a compression fracture

If your fracture is sudden, you’ll feel intense pain. If it’s a result of osteoporosis and happens gradually, your back pain goes from discomfort to chronic pain.

In any case, you’re probably not able to complete normal daily tasks very well. It’s very difficult for you to bend over and pick up something that’s fallen on the floor. You may not be able to turn and twist at the waist. It may become difficult for you to stand up straight, and your posture is bent over when you stand up.

Another symptom is muscle weakness. You’re at increased risk of falling because of muscle weakness. It’s hard to walk.

Why do I have a compression fracture?

The most common reason for a compression fracture is having osteoporosis. Your bones have become porous, making them weak. They’re easier to break.

You can also sustain a compression fracture as a result of trauma from an accident. A third cause is a tumor that’s pressing on your spine.

Treatments for compression fractures

We provide state-of-the-art pain management to restore your quality of life and get you back on your feet again.

If your fracture is minor and the result of osteoporosis, you’ll coordinate with your health care provider and receive physical therapy. To help prevent future fractures, your providers are going to recommend starting an exercise program that includes weight-bearing exercises. Weight-bearing and resistance workouts help build new bone and strengthen the muscles around your bones. Having strong muscles supporting your bones helps prevent falls.

If your compression fracture requires additional intervention, our expert staff can perform a

kyphoplasty. This minimally invasive procedure involves placing a special medical cement in the broken vertebrae. The cement creates adequate space between your bones, easing pressure on your spinal cord. It can increase the height of the broken vertebra.

If you have a tumor that’s pressing on your spine, we perform Spine Tumor Ablation with Radiofrequency (STAR). The tumor cells lose their structural integrity from the radiofrequency heat energy, and they’re destroyed. Then the cement can be inserted to restore lost space between your vertebrae. You might also need surgery on the tumor and/or radiation.

Call Apollo Pain Management or request an appointment through our online portal. We coordinate with your health care provider to ensure you receive the services you need. Pain relief is just around the corner.


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